MTEL Resources | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台Springfield College Logo

To become a teacher in the state of Massachusetts, you’ll need to take and pass the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL). Prepare for the tests with the help of our available resources.

Learn more about MTEL.

MTEL Review Sessions and Test Preparation

We offer the following review sessions for students who are preparing to take the MTEL. To register, or for additional information, contact the MTEL Office or Office of Educator Preparation and Licensure.

Communication and Literacy Skills Orientation Sessions

Designed for first-time test takers, these three-hour orientation sessions will give students an overview of the reading and writing tests.

Communication and Literacy Skills Test Prep Course

We offer a test preparation course worth one credit. The course is designed to help students prepare for the reading and writing tests. It’s a comprehensive test prep course (over 20 hours), and individual needs will be assessed and addressed.


Tutors are available for most MTEL prep. Please contact the MTEL coordinator to arrange for a one-on-one tutor at no cost to the student.